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Today was a work day for me. That means I roll out of bed at 4am have a cup of joe and hit it at home. I normally workout in my garage but when its cold out my kitchen becomes my gym. It's the only area big enough for me to jump rope in. Lucky for me nobody else is up at this crazy hour. Todays workout was all abs and some speed rope thrown in to keep the heart rate up a bit. Perform all the exercises in a circuit fassion. I ended up taking out the speed rope on the last go around because i was running out of time. It's a good one to do at home. I used my sandbag, glide discs, bosu ball, speed rope, dumbbells, ab wheel and a matt. Grab a towel and go do this now.

warm up 5 minutes of Speed rope drills Abs and Speed Rope HIIT circuit

Repeat 4 times through

1. standing knee strike with weight over head x 15 per side

2. Speed rope x 50

3. Bosu ball cross body mountain climbers with glide discs x 20

4. speed rope x 50

5. Bicycle crunch x 50

6. Speed rope x 50

7. Mason twist (russian twist) with 15lb weight x 50

8. Speed rope x 50

9. Standing side lunge to oblique crunch x 15x side with weight

10. Speed rope x 50

11. Ab wheel x 15

12. Speed rope x 50

13. Plank Sand Bag Pulls x 20

14. Speed rope x 50

15. Up/ down plank x 10/ side

16. Speed rope x 50

17. Side Plank reach under x 10/ side with weight

18. Speed rope x 50


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