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Gettin Fit with Jenn Home workout of the Day Shoulders, Triceps, and Speed Rope workout of the Day

Gettin Fit with Jenn Home workout of the Day

Shoulders, Triceps, and Speed Rope workout of the Day

I WILL ADMIT IT. I am not a fan of training my shoulders. Mainly because my shoulders are my weakest area i.e. why I hate to train them. Shoulders can be trained at the gym or at home very easily. All you need for a good shoulder workout is some weights or bands. Bands are very portable and safer then dumbbells if you are just starting out strength training. Just hit up Marshals or 5 below and get you some fitness equipment for cheap. Home goods is another cheap place for fitness equipment. I am a huge fan of budget shopping. If you don’t have the funds to purchase equipment use what you have. Grab some laundry detergent bottles or gallons of water and just get. May use of what you have.

Grab your equipment and do this with me.

Shoulders, Triceps, and Speed Rope workout of the Day

4 x 10-15 REPS

I always go lighter in weight and more reps on my shoulder days. My shoulders respond better to this type of training method. Make sure you pick a weight that is heavy enough that you will fail on the last few reps but not so heavy that you compromise your form. Form is key. Just because the weight is lighter doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still fail. No Barbie doll weights ladies.

Superset 1

  1. Kettlebell Clean and Press x 10 per arm

  2. TRX Tricep extensions x 15

  3. Alternate foot step x 50

Superset 2

  1. Standing shoulder Press x 10

  2. Dumbbell Pull over on Ball x 15

Superset 3

  1. Side lateral raise x 15

  2. Dips x 25

  3. Bounce step x 50

Superset 4

  1. Dumbbell front raise x 15

  2. Tricep pushups x 10

  3. Side straddle x 50

Superset 5

  1. 180 degree shoulder fly x 15

  2. Alternate foot step x 50

Alternate Foot Step

Kettlebell Clean and Press


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